On 1 July Nicola Mackintosh QC (Hon) celebrated 30 years of casework and 20 years of running a legal aid practice.
A celebratory event was held at Southwark Cathedral to recognise the anniversary and highlight the legal issues faced by people who lack mental capacity, the barriers they often face and the vital role which legal aid funding plays.
An event booklet was prepared which provided examples of our work and it also featured a section on Pamela Coughlan. Her case was decided by the Court of Appeal in 1999 and focused on the right to NHS services for the most ill people in society. It also consolidated the principles in relation to promises made by public bodies and the circumstances in which they must be kept. Since the judgment many hundreds of thousands of people have accessed NHS services to which they are legally entitled.
Pam emailed Nicola yesterday to say:
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ANNIVERSARIES NICOLA! What wonderful work, so many you have helped ,brought Justice for. You amazing woman! An angel of hope and light in a formidable word . much love bless you Pam
We would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the success of the event and those that gave speeches in recognition of Nicola’s work.