We are continuing to operate, using remote working where possible. All of the team are picking up emails and we are continuing to represent our clients and provide the usual excellent standard of service as far as we are able to do so.
Phone calls will be collected by our message taking service and messages will be emailed to the relevant member of our team for action.
We are constantly reviewing the latest advice from Government and Public Health England and will be taking further appropriate measures. The health and safety of our staff, visitors and clients is our priority over the coming weeks.
In accordance with guidance, save where absolutely essential, we will not be carrying out face to face visits to vulnerable clients and most if not all hearings will be by phone or videolink where facilities are available.
We will continue to monitor the rapidly evolving situation and should our plans change, we will continue to provide updates on our website homepage.
Please email your usual contact if you have any questions or need to let us know how best to remain in contact with us.
Above all, please take care and look after yourselves and others in these times of turmoil.
Nicola Mackintosh QC (Hon) Sole Director Mackintosh Law